Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

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Written By amrita

As a passionate dog lover and experienced writer, I'm dedicated to sharing my knowledge of dog care, nutrition, behavior, and health with others.

Feeding dogs a perfect food could be tricky. Let’s not get trapped in that. Instead, we should focus on learning about Can Dogs Eat Apricots? 

Do you love apricots and wondering if you can feed your favorite to your furry friend, too? Would you like to know whether Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Let’s find out and clear up any confusion if any.

What Are Apricots?

Apricots are stone fruit that grows on deciduous trees and is native to Asia. They have a sweet, slightly tart flavor and are usually eaten fresh or dried. Fresh apricots are available in the summer months and have yellow or orange flesh that surrounds a large pit. Apricots are a good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium.

Dried Fruits Dogs Can Eat, Read here!

Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

Apricots aren’t toxic to canines; also, in some adverse situations, if your pooch has a lot of apricots, then the risk of bad health effects is quite low. However, the amount of intake should be minimal. Let’s find out whether feeding apricot to dogs is good or bad.

Are Apricots Good For Dogs?

They are considered a good source of antioxidants which helps in improvising the dog’s immunity. Hence, it is completely safe for dog consumption. However, it should be served typically after removing the stems, leaves, and pit, which can be hazardous to your mutt.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Mangoes, Read here!

Can Dogs Eat Dried Apricots?

It is safe to feed dogs dried apricots without additive sugar. Be mindful while buying if it contains additives, then avoid giving it to your pet. It can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and more health-related issues.

How Many Apricots Can a Dog Eat?

shutterstock/Anna Dembitskaya

Follow the rule of 10 percent only, which clearly says that the serving should not exceed more than 10 percent of daily calorie intake. Ensure that it should be given in small portions and tiny bites, so it doesn’t pose any choking threat.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon, Read here!

 Potential Health Benefits

Apricot has numerous health benefits for your fur baby.

  • It has Beta Carotene, which acts as an antioxidant to fight against diseases.
  • Apricots are good in vitamin A, which helps maintain good eyesight and healthy skin.
  • It also has vitamin C for boosting a healthy immune system.
  • A good source of soluble fiber and potassium, which may help in regulating your pooch’s cholesterol levels. Also, its deficiency can lead to urinary concentrating ability in dogs.
  • It is best for relieving constipation in dogs due to its dietary fiber content.
  • Apricot flesh is a great source of dietary fiber, which can relieve constipation and help your dog maintain regular bowel movements.
  • Additionally, it also helps in bone development and treats osteoarthritis as well.

A Few Health Concerns of Feeding Apricots to Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Yes! However, be mindful while feeding apricots to dogs.

  1. It can cause cyanide poisoning if you feed apricot with seeds, stems, and leaves. So you must remove them before feeding because cyanide is a dangerous chemical whose consumption can lead to vomiting, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, bright red gums, fatigue, and seizures in dogs.
  2. As you are aware, apricots have large seeds. If given to them, then it can cause choking or intestinal blockage in your dog’s digestive system.
  3. Overboarding your pooch with apricot will create digestive problems like an upset stomach and diarrhea.

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 How to Feed Apricots to Dogs?



Before feeding, you must follow these minor precautions while serving apricots to your dogs.

  • First, consult your veterinarian before adding human food to your dog’s diet.
  • If it contains added sugar, then try to avoid it.
  • Apricots should be served after discarding the pit, stems, and leaves.
  • Then cut it into small bite-sized slices.
  • Always serve in moderation.

 Are Dogs Allergic To Apricots?

No, dogs are not typically allergic to apricots. You should always monitor your pets while introducing the new food and feed in small portions. If they show any reactions like coughing, sneezing, itching, or upset stomach. Then, avoid feeding and contact your veterinarian for more information.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes, Read here!

What is Better for Dogs? Cooked Apricots or Fresh Apricots

Both are good if served in moderation and while considering dog safety rules. If apricots are plain cooked without any additives, then it’s fine to share. Additionally, fresh fruit is fantastic for dogs to be treated with. However, do not forget to remove the pit, stems, and leaves.

Apricot Foods Dogs Can or Can’t 

shutterstock/Elena Zajchikova

Now let’s see if dogs can eat various types of food made with apricots as well. Are they safe for your furry friends? Here they are:

1. What About Apricot Yogurt?

In moderation is good, not in excess.

2. Is Apricot Cheese good?

You can offer it as an occasional treat in small amounts.

3. Can Apricot Nectar be harmful?

In small amounts, it’s okay.

4. Can Dogs have Apricot Oil?

While preparing Apricot oil, the seeds of apricots get mixed with it. It can lead to cyanide poising. So don’t offer it to your mutt.

5. Can Dogs Enjoy Eating Canned Apricot?

It has a high sugar content which it’s not safe and healthy for dogs.

6. Can Dogs Eat Apricot Jam?

Dogs can technically eat apricot jam, but it is not recommended as it contains sugar and artificial preservatives, which can harm their health in large amounts.

Can Dogs Have Oranges, Read here!

Quick Takeaways

Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Yes, they can, but you have to understand that serving it after removing pits, leaves, and stems is necessary. Along with that should serve small bite-size pieces to your fur baby. However, it’s a fantastic food if served in moderation and precariously.

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Photo of author
Written By amrita

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