Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips | Are Banana Chips Safe for Dogs?

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Written By amrita

As a passionate dog lover and experienced writer, I'm dedicated to sharing my knowledge of dog care, nutrition, behavior, and health with others.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips? Can they be a good crunchy, and healthy treat to them? Time to find out all the details!

Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips? In this article, we’ll explore their nutritional value of banana chips and whether they are a suitable treat for dogs or not. 

Check out Can Dogs Eat Bananas? here

What are Banana Chips?

Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips
shutterstock/Elly Suhailee

Banana chips are a type of snack food made from sliced, dried, or fried bananas. They can be made using ripe or unripe bananas and come in a variety of flavors, including sweet, salty, and spicy. 

Banana chips are popular in many countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where they are often eaten as a snack or used as a topping for desserts. They can be found in most grocery stores and are commonly sold in bags or containers.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips?

So, Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips? While bananas themselves are generally considered safe for dogs in moderation, the same cannot necessarily be said for banana chips. The nutritional value and ingredients of banana chips can vary depending on how they are prepared and flavored. Some banana chips may contain added sugar, salt, or other seasonings that can be harmful to dogs.

In addition, the drying or frying process used to make banana chips can remove some of the nutrients found in fresh bananas, making them a less nutritious snack option for dogs. Furthermore, the hard and crunchy texture of banana chips may be difficult for some dogs to digest and can pose a choking hazard.

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Health Benefits of Banana Chips

  • Bananas themselves are a good source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C, and these nutrients are also present in banana chips.
  • Potassium can help maintain healthy heart and kidney function in dogs, while fiber can support digestive health. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help boost the immune system.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the drying or frying process used to make banana chips can remove some of these nutrients, and some types of banana chips may contain added sugar, salt, or other ingredients that can be harmful to dogs.

A Few Health Concerns

  • Some types of banana chips may contain added sugar, salt, or other seasonings that can be harmful to dogs.
  • The drying or frying process used to make banana chips can remove some of the nutrients found in fresh bananas, making them a less nutritious snack option for dogs.
  • The hard and crunchy texture of banana chips can pose a choking hazard or cause digestive issues in some dogs, especially those with dental problems or sensitive stomachs.
  • Some dogs may be allergic to bananas, and feeding them banana chips can cause an allergic reaction.

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What Sort of Banana Chips Are Best?

When it comes to choosing banana chips for your dog, it’s best to look for unsweetened and unsalted varieties that are specifically made for dogs. These types of banana chips are typically free from harmful ingredients and are designed to be easily digestible for dogs.

You can also make your own banana chips at home by slicing bananas and dehydrating them in the oven. This way, you can control the ingredients and ensure that your dog is only eating healthy and safe snacks.

Safe Ways to Feed Banana Chips to Dogs

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shutterstock/Ermolaev Alexander

If you want to feed banana chips to your dog, there are some safe ways to do so. Here are some tips:

  • Choose the right type of banana chips: Look for unsweetened and unsalted varieties that are specifically made for dogs. 
  • Feed in moderation: Banana chips should be fed to dogs in moderation as a treat. Excessive consumption of banana chips can lead to health problems such as obesity and digestive issues.
  • Cut the banana chips into small pieces: To reduce the risk of choking, cut the banana chips into small pieces before feeding them to your dog.
  • Monitor your dog while they are eating: Always monitor your dog while they are eating banana chips to prevent choking or other issues.
  • Consider homemade banana chips: You can make your own banana chips at home by slicing bananas and dehydrating them in the oven. 
  • Consult with your veterinarian: Always check with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods to your dog’s diet, including banana chips. 

Check out Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels? here

Dog Safe Banana Chips: Home-Made

Here’s how to make dog-safe banana chips at home:


  • Ripe bananas


  • Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C).
  • Peel the bananas and slice them into thin rounds using a sharp knife or mandoline slicer.
  • Arrange the banana slices in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 1-2 hours, or until the banana slices are dry and crispy.
  • Remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the banana chips cool completely before serving them to your dog.


  • To make the banana chips extra crispy, you can brush the banana slices with a small amount of coconut oil before baking.
  • You can also add a sprinkle of cinnamon or turmeric for extra flavor and health benefits.
  • Store the banana chips in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 week.

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Quick Takeaways

So, Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips? Yes, in moderation. Always feed banana chips to your dog in moderation, cut them into small pieces to reduce the risk of choking, and monitor your dog while they are eating to prevent any issues.

As always, it’s important to check with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods to your dog’s diet, including banana chips.

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Written By amrita

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